Board Member Roles

  • President

    Manages and runs the league

  • Vice President

    Manages scheduling, uniform orders, manages website

  • Treasurer

    Manage league finances

  • Secretary

    Manages minutes, assists with communications

  • Player Agent

    Manages player experience, evaluations, and manages player draft

  • Umpire in Chief

    Recruits, develops, and manages the umpires and umpire schedules

  • Safety Chair

    Manages the safety expectations of the league, completes the background checks of volunteers

  • Canteen Manager

    Manages the upkeep and maintenance of the canteen/snack bar

  • Equipment Manager

    Manages the upkeep and maintenance of league equipment

  • Volunteer Coordinator

    Creates, maintains, and develops volunteer recruitment and retention. Works in partnership with the president, VP, communications chair, UIC, and canteen manager

  • Fundraising Chair

    • Manages and develops all fundraising efforts for the league with primary focus on the calendar fundraiser
  • Sponsorship Chair

    Develops, recruits, and maintains all team and league sponsorships

  • Field Maintenance Chair

    Manages all field related improvements, renovations, and general in-season and post-season maintenance

  • Player Development Chair

    Develops, maintains, and creates player development and manages pre-season and post-season clinics

  • Division Leaders

    A Division Leader/Manager serves as point person between the Board and the Division. Provides communication and general support to Division Coaches and Teams. Acts as a voice for the Division by providing feedback to the Board on behalf of the Division. This is a position part of the full SLL board, but does not need to attend every meeting:

      • Tee Ball Division Leader
      • Farm Division Leader
      • Minors Division Leader 
      • Majors Division Leader 
      • Intermediate Division Leader