Volunteer HQ
Volunteers Needed! Sign Up Here.
Suncook Little League is powered solely by volunteers and fundraising. Without one or the other our program would be incapable of operating. We rely on community participation to offer a quality program for our kids year after year. Our goal is to provide community youth with a safe opportunity to learn the amazing game of baseball and experience the value of teamwork.
Everyone’s time is greatly appreciated and without it there would be no Suncook Little League.
Volunteer opportunities and descriptions are listed below.
Register today and help strengthen our program.
Umpires Ages 13 and up! Umpiring is a paid position, thus there are no volunteer credits for umpiring.
Getting volunteers to umpire youth games has been an increasing statewide problem. It is driving up league costs and ultimately registration costs, and making it more and more challenging to put season's together. SLL appreciates volunteers at every capacity, but we need Umpires! Please consider being an Umpire this season!
Sign Up to Volunteer Here
Volunteer Role Descriptions
SLL Board Member
Commitment Level: year round (terms start in October)
Volunteer Expectation: Board members are expected to be able to attend regular meetings. The frequency of those meetings varies throughout the year. Responsibilities are delegated according to your elected position. Any responsibilities that fall on empty board seats are covered by other board members as they are willing and able to. The board operates as a team and assists each other whenever necessary to get the job done. Please reference the “board member roles” page for further description of each individual position.
Commitment Level: Single Season
Volunteer Expectation: Teams can have up to 3 coaches and can be structured however the team sees fit. This is a season long commitment to lead by example, teach foundational skills, and encourage good sportsmanship. There are some annual training opportunities available.
Team Managers: manage games, schedule, plan and lead practices, communicate with team parents and other team volunteers.
Co-Coaches: share the duties of the Team Manager and run the team jointly.
Assistant Coaches: aid in managing games, assist with practices and support the team as the Team Manager and players, as needed. Keeps in communication with the Team Manager.
Bench Coaches: aid in dugout management such as keeping the batting line up on track, supporting player struggles, maintaining general order, providing a positive atmosphere and supporting the Team Manager, as needed. Keeps in communication with the Team Manager/Co-Coaches.
Commitment Level: Single Season
Volunteer Expectation: Bookkeepers are expected to attend scheduled games and keep in communication with the coaches throughout the season. Reliable bookkeeping is important for each team, beginning at the Minors level and upwards. Bookkeepers are not required to be in the dugout and if there are 3 team coaches present, the bookkeeper must set up outside the dugout. Being nearby and available to the coaches for quick communication is important.
Canteen Fundraising (Concessions)
Commitment Level: individual shifts signed up for at will, lasting between 3-4 hours each
Volunteer Expectation: Canteen volunteers are expected to help prepare concessions food, complete sales transactions, keep orders organized, provide pleasant customer service, and clean up at the end of a shift. Training and assistance are provided for beginners. Up to two volunteers can run a shift together on a typical day. More volunteers may be needed for busy event days. The canteen provides a convenient food and beverage service to all attendees which enhances the family friendly game day experience. It is currently the largest source of fundraising for the league. Volunteers are essential to reliably provide this convenience throughout the season.
Pre & Post Game Field Preparation
Commitment Level: individual games signed up for at will
Volunteer Expectation: Field Prep volunteers are expected to arrive as early as possible pre-game to rake the infield, fill in any holes, re-line and re-chalk as needed. Post-game work entails filling in holes, raking the infield and returning the equipment to the proper storage areas. Training is available for beginners. Having field prep volunteers is important and provides coaches the opportunity to lead warm up drills with their players. When there are no volunteers, coaches are left in a bind to complete the necessary field prep, which takes their attention away from team instruction.
Scoreboard Operators
Commitment Level: individual games signed up for at will
Volunteer Expectation: With the addition of the new scoreboard, there will now be 2 at Memorial Field & 1 at Epsom Central School. Volunteers will be needed for games at Point Field, Major Field & ECS. Scoreboards are helpful for everyone involved, coaches, players and spectators. Training will be provided for beginners. Volunteering will entail pre-game power up, game time operation and post-game storage. Checking in with bookkeepers for accuracy may also be necessary.
Game Announcers
Commitment Level: individual games signed up for at will
Volunteer Expectation: Currently the only game announcer booth is located at Memorial Field on Major Field. The importance of game announcers has increased due to the newly available opportunities for game sponsorship. It also provides a fun, authentic baseball atmosphere for the players and spectators. Responsibilities would entail announcing batters, reading brief scripts in between innings regarding sponsors/canteen specials and helping to close up the booth at the end of a game. Pre-selected music can be discussed for use in between innings but must be family friendly. Training and guidance can be provided to beginners. Game announcers may also choose to sign up as the correlating scoreboard operator, as long as they can fulfill both sets of expectations simultaneously.
Paid Position Descriptions
Ages 13+
Minors, Majors, and Intermediate Divisions require Umpires. SLL must train and provide all Umpires for any home games.
Pre-Season Training is provided. On going support is available.
Umpire's can work in positions behind the plate or on base.
*Umpire is a paid role.
Safety Notice
Player Safety Commitment
The safety of our Suncook Little League players is a critical focus for our league, volunteers, and supporters. In order to provide a safe and fun baseball experience, all volunteers will undergo a background check through the Little League International sanctioned company, J.D. Palentine. Additionally, all volunteers need to complete a SafeSport training.
Once you have completed the volunteer application below and are registered as a volunteer, you will be contacted by the league to complete a background check profile. Additionally, you will need to register and enroll through USA Baseball (https://usabdevelops.com/page/3532/courses). Once registered, you will complete the course "BASE Abuse Awareness for Adults".
If trainings like these are a necessary and regular part of your employment, certification from an equivalent program is acceptable. Please send a copy of your training certificate to suncooklittleleaguenh@gmail.com
The safety of our players, families, supporters, and fans is critical. Please do your part in educating and training yourself on what to be aware of as it relates to all aspects for player safety and support.