TeeBall Coaching - What to Expect


At the T-Ball level coaching, minimal baseball experience is needed. The teams were kept very small, only around 8 players. T-Ball level baseball in Suncook is intended to be fun, non-competitive, and should be relatively low pressure. The other teams will be coached by parents just like you, learning the ropes, and following a basic format to ultimately have a fun time with your kids outside and learn a couple things while doing it.

Off the field responsibilities:

  • Organizing your teams contact information
  • Communicating to the team parents practice dates and game dates
    • Usually 1 game a week, and 1 practice.
  • Fielding a few questions from parents (do I need cleats, a glove, etc)
    • We can help with technical questions.
  • Acquiring an equipment bag from the SLL Equipment manager
    • He’s usually a nice guy, and we can help get this squared away.
    • Includes bats, helmets, and safer softer balls used for T-Ball

On the field responsibilities:

  • Teaching Safety Stuff
    • No swinging bats in the dugout or anywhere besides home plate.
    • Don’t throw a ball to someone unless they are looking and ready to catch it.
  • Teaching some Basics:
    • Where are home plate, 1st, 2nd, 3rd bases (This can become a fun exercise for 5 - 10 minutes of a practice).
  • Run very basic drills
    • Primarily throwing, fielding grounder balls, and hitting from a tee (a few pointers in this area and you will be off to a great start.
    • Teaching a couple basic techniques during these drills. (again, communicate if you need help with ideas)
  • Arranging batting order in the dugout
    • Ask your assistant coach to manage dugout and making sure the next batter has a helmet and bat to keep games moving.
    • Each kid bats every inning. Swing until they get a hit (no strike outs, fouls, etc)
    • No score keeping
  • Arranging the kids in the field.
    • Basically spreading them out and trying to give them all a chance to get the ball to throw to 1st
    • Alternate to try to give each kid a chance to play pitcher’s mound and 1st base positions.
    • Basic fielding foal for the season: every kid on field is not chasing after the same ball
  • Trying to keep the kids interested and not playing in the dirt
    • This is usually the single most challenging objective J
  • Have patience
    • Set reasonable expectations, and recognize players develop at different levels… and its okay!